Coaching program

The coaching program

During the 1-on-1 coaching program you get 4 months of personal coaching

The coaching program consists of the following things:

  • kennismakingsgesprek van 15 min*
  • 1 intakegesprek van 60 min
  • 7 coachgesprekken van 30 min
  • Weekly check-ins
  • werkbladen / oefeningen specifiek voor jouw situatie

*gratis & vrijblijvend


After finishing the program, it is also possible to book separate coaching sessions.

1-on-1 coaching sessions

During the intake session we will discuss your current lifestyle, struggles and goals. During the 1-on-1 coaching sessions we will create a step-by-step plan and discuss any problems you encounter. At the end of the process, we will discuss how you can sustain the lifestyle changes you have made.

Some people enjoy talking face-to-face, while others enjoy talking in the comfort of their own home. Therefore the following options are offered:

  • Face-to-face (in Heinkenszand, Zeeland)
  • Online
  • Walking (in Heinkenszand, Zeeland)

Je hoeft niet voor 1 bepaald gesprekstype te kiezen, maar kan dit per sessie aangeven. Bij een wandelsessie zal de wandeling maximaal 20 minuten duren, zodat er ook nog wat tijd is na de wandeling om het gesprek samen te vatten.  

Why choose the Duurzame Leefstijlcoach?

Many diets & exercise programs are made to help you lose weight as quickly as possible. But these programs are often so strict that you can't keep them up for long. As soon as you stop, you gain weight again, the so-called yo-yo effect. Moreover, the focus is often only on your weight & appearance, but not on how you feel and whether you are truly healthy. Rigorous diets can disrupt your metabolism and give you an unhealthy relationship with food. In addition, it can also cause other health problems such as stress.

Ik wil je helpen om op een duurzame manier aanpassingen te maken aan je leefstijl die je wel kan volhouden. Samen kijken we naar jouw gewoontes en zoeken we naar de oplossingen die het beste bij jouw leven passen. Geen kant-en-klaar programma, maar echt maatwerk. Met mijn wetenschappelijke achtergrond in Voeding & Gezondheid kan ik jou helpen om betere keuzes te maken en onderscheid te maken tussen feit en fabels. 

Scientific background

Personalised approach

You set the pace

Holistische aanpak